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Did Hovik Abrahamyan Do the Right Thing? (Video)

July 12,2012 17:26 inquired of Artsvik Minasyan, a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body in Armenia and a member of the ethics commission of the National Assembly, how he would assess National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan’s decision not to interfere in the investigation of the Harsnakar case. He replied, “Although Mr. Abrahamyan was formally guided by the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly Act, in which the National Assembly is not directly required to do that, there is a clearly stipulated norm that the National Assembly Speaker ensures the normal work of the National Assembly. In that case, I think this was a substantial ground to claim that four parliamentary groups can be considered in the framework of the normal activities of the National Assembly. I understand that Mr. Abrahamyan is anxious to interfere in the criminal investigation. However, thinking that this style that they deprive the National Assembly of the possibility to discuss is unacceptable, I want to state, at the same time, that bodies

responsible for the investigation give interviews. Therefore, we have decided to establish a working group that will hold its first meeting today, during which a list of questions to the state bodies will be made. My opinion is that we shouldn’t focus only on Harsnakar, this is a wide-spread issue and should be diagnosed through the list of questions, which should be comprehensive, deep and directed more to make changes.”

In response to another question of ours whether he shared the opinion that the Republican Party had started a purge, Mr. Minasyan said, “Every natural organism should go through such a purge. I think the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) has naturalness at least, therefore, it should go through that process.”


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