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“There Are People Who Are Connected With Crimes in the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Too, How Can They Sign?” Postanjyan Says (Video)

July 13,2012 17:32


 Can we say in what camp the PAP operates by this initiative? In response to this question of, Heritage Party MP Zaruhi Postanjyan said, “I am sorry that you only refer to this initiative. The PAP voted in favor of releasing water from Lake Sevan a few days ago, it is a big economic problem. If the PAP is really against the Cabinet, this was a result of the impudent program and impudent governance, when they want to release water from Lake Sevan again. Therefore, if they vote in favor, everything is clear for us.

“I can say, on the other hand, that yes, there are people in the PAP who are connected with crimes, which threatened human life and health, too, therefore, how can those people give their consent? However, this is not a problem of the PAP alone, this is a systemic problem and this initiative, which has been put into circulation, should be supported not by the PAP parliamentary group, but by all the people who represent our society in the National Assembly – be it a member of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) or a member of the PAP or members of other parties – they should have come and joined this initiative, considering it their civic duty. They should have been proactive.

“That is why we have an unprecedented public demand for the National Assembly’s assessment of such vicious phenomena. This is what we want to implement. The assessment should not be only legal; unfortunately, we have not managed to establish a fair legal system, which would have made a legal assessment of all the issues and we wouldn’t have had the continuation of these vicious incidents. I think the tragedy that happened with Vahe Avetyan is a link in the chain of these vicious phenomena. The murder of Vahe Avetyan is a branch of the tree and that tree has taken root after Poghos Poghosyan’s murder in 2001. That atmosphere of impunity and permissiveness has rooted since that time, in particular. After that we have witnessed many such unexampled phenomena and impunity.”

During a press conference convened yesterday, RPA MP Artashes Geghamyan asked why those same political forces that organized protests for Vahe Avetyan these days hadn’t mourned the death of Poghos Poghosyan. In response to this question of ours, Zaruhi Postanjyan said that the society hadn’t been so informed at the time about what had really happened to Poghos Poghosyan, “I was a counselor myself at the time and I had just started my counselor activities, it was interesting for me how that incident had happened and as a citizen, there were colleagues of mine who were also interested, that case was among my interests and I know the merits of the case, but the general public wasn’t informed about this case, because there were no such tools, which are there today. Today we can quickly get information on the internet, thanks to electronic mass media and to quickly set a meeting place or to organize a protest, that is it. And to talk about why it didn’t happen at the time – it didn’t happen at the time, because we had serious obstacles in the way of getting information.

“Besides, the society realizes also that if it continues to tolerate all this, if it tolerates the atmosphere of impunity and permissiveness, it as a society will not be able to exist here, on this land. Vahe Avetyan is a part of our society that has died as a result of violent beating, is he not? Everyone could be him, it can happen to everyone and it can be so that if someone is injured, his case will not be resolved, we have seen such cases, have we not?”


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