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“If Oskanian Announces His Candidacy, I Will Consider This as a Very Serious Progress for Armenia”

July 20,2012 17:56

Vahan Khachatryan, the owner of the GALA TV company in Gyumri stated, talking about the upcoming presidential election during a conversation with, that the election struggle would not be between the three presidents. “The society develops, it is more developed and I think the society realizes that there is no need to bring the former presidents back again and to, so to say, reanimate them, if certainly, there are no unexpected developments regarding Karabakh. So, if there is a force majeure, there might be a need to bring back the old presidents. In forces majeure, the society tries to find a solution to that situation at that moment, immediately. It is possible that the memory of the people will be short then and it will make a decision given the current moment, the urgency of the moment. Only then the return of one of the old presidents is possible.”

According to Vahan Khachatryan’s prediction, in case of a normal election, Serzh Sargsyan and some new force will struggle. As for who will be that force, according to the information of the GALA owner, it is Vartan Oskanian. “If Vartan Oskanian announces his candidacy, I will consider this as a very serious progress for the Republic of Armenia and will welcome that step,” our interlocutor says.

In response to our observation that many people criticized Vartan Oskanian, considering him as Robert Kocharyan’s man, the GALA owner said the following, “I would say that Armenia is a small state with small population and if we look deeper who is whose man or let me rephrase, who worked with whom and shared power for a certain period of time, we will realize that there are very few people. We should choose someone from the resource in hand. Applying the same logic, one can think that someone is Levon Ter-Petrossian’s or Serzh Sargsyan’s man. We have what we have and disregarding a man who has worked in the government for 15 years and has not been corrupted, we cannot afford such a luxury. We know very few people who have been in power and have not been spoiled by that power. I consider Vartan Oskanian one of those people, he is a man who has a serious reputation in international organizations, he has made a serious contribution to the foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia, he understands economics very well, his latest remarks and economic articles show this. Everyone can be linked to this or that president, especially a man who was in power. We cannot wipe out all the people who have worked with a president, along with him, and create a new generation. There is no such thing, there is dynamics and one should consider something given the dynamics,” the GALA owner says.

He reminds that Mikheil Saakashvili was also Shevardnadze’s man, but there is a huge difference between the Georgia governed by Saakashvili and the Georgia governed by Shevardnadze.


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