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“There Can Be No Such Thing,” Levon Zurabyan Says About a Deal Between the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)

July 20,2012 23:21

“Nonsense,” Levon Zurabyan, the Armenian National Congress (ANC) coordinator, assessed in this manner president of the Union of Political Scientists Hmayak Hovhannisyan’s statement that the PAP and the RPA had cut a deal in regard to convening an extraordinary session.

According to Hmayak Hovhannisyan, the PAP said “you freeze and lull the Civilitas case, I lull the signature collecting for an extraordinary session and ruin it.”

In response to our question whether it had anything to do with ruining the initiative to convene an extraordinary session, in his opinion, taking into account that the Civilitas case was not moving forward and how probable that deal was, Mr. Zurabyan said, “I really think it is ridiculous, there can be no such thing. I don’t know whether it coincided or not, but I don’t see any logic here.”


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