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Russians and Americans are on top of worst tourists’ survey

July 23,2012 11:05

It’s quite common that while heading to a vacation spot, getting packed up for a trip in a rather short period, we have no time to ponder over host country’s hospitality or general conduct of neighboring tourists.

However, Europeans seem not only to take this feature into account when leaving for holidays, but are in a way guided by it. Well, perhaps, it’s just because the Europeans, as compared with the citizens of Former Soviet Republics, travel a lot more and have a wider bag of experience over their shoulders.

Above all, there is also one key factor which is not usually counted by us while travelling, i.e. the impression we leave on the host country’s population and the behavior we exhibit there. Anyway, it indeed matters, as it seems to leave an irreversible impression. One individual conduct line may result in shaping overall nation picture or attributing the nation an unbiased feature.

And it seems to be so – some major international travel companies or famous research sources regularly conduct surveys and dig up to cover the so-called uncovered part of the travel industry. By highlighting and exposing travel-backstage experience, suchlike surveys are based on public opinion polls and make up the rating of the worst tourists. General behavior, table manners and etiquette, pollution and impurity, excessive alcohol use, curses, personal hygiene, ill-timed arrogancy and racial discrimination and some more assessment criteria shape the layer for the worst tourists’ rating.

From time to time regular international sources, especially the British ones, conduct annual surveys of the worst tourists, where Russians are regularly ranked on top. The British ( are mainly irritated by Russians’ sports garment, jewelry exhibits, by their queque-barging and belching, international sources say.

Whereas the Russian surveys and polls identify Germans as the worst tourists. 19% of the respondents think so. Germans «drink a lot, curse much, take up sun-lounges without turn, are in the habit of singing loud in bars and nude sunbathing even with bad complexion».

The Ukrainians are also ranked in the leading positions of the worst tourists’ rating. Russians ascribe them «arrogant, boastful and ill-tempered» distinctions. The British are next in the rating. They are described as boring, arrogant, rude and favoring alcohol tourists, 10% of the Russian respondents keep to this opinion.

Italians are also enlisted in the ranking of the worst tourists ( together with the citizens of CIS countries. The latter are described as favoring alcoholic drinks, having uncivilized, bad travel behavior, and polluting beach area. The Americans also display features for the worst tourists and are acclaimed as «the most arrogant tourists with the lack of geographical and historical knowledge».

When talking about French tourists (, the surveys singled out their snobbism, noisiness and greediness. The Austrians are also enlisted among the worst tourists, however, with the least number of votes. The Austrians were distinguished as bad-tippers.

As per other international sources, which have conducted public polls in the United Nations, Australia, Canada, Ireland and Great Britain, Americans have again been predominately identified as the worst tourists ( The American tourists have been singled out for their bad habits of stealing at hotels (like, towels, bathrobes, batteries, pillows, remote controls). According to the results of these international polls, the Chinese, Japanese, French and Russian people are also in the top five of the worts tourists’ rating.

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