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“Let Ruben Torosyan Warn Me, in Order That I Don’t Get Sick,” Suren Abrahamyan Says

August 21,2012 13:58 inquired of Suren Abrahamyan, a member of the Republic Party political council, how he would comment on the statement of Ruben Torosyan, a member of Yerevan City Council, that he was going to make a proposal at the upcoming meeting of the council to dismiss 8 persons from the Armenian National Congress (ANC) party alliance, including Suren Abrahamyan, elected members of the council.

Mr. Abrahamyan asked Ruben Torosyan not to do that immediately, “Let him warn me through relatives and friends, in order that I don’t get sick.” As for Gurgen Yeghiazaryan, a member of the ANC, who was also on Ruben Torosyan’s “black” list, he was not aware of Mr. Torosyan’s proposal. In response to our question whether the reason was that the ANC members of the council boycotted the council meetings, Mr. Yeghiazaryan said, “I welcome Ruben Torosyan’s pro-government proposal. But I would like to talk with Ruben to find out what is on his mind, why he has done such a thing and then say something. I have known Rubik for many years. But let me say that this so-called council is a dictated blind gut; there is no such institution in our country. Look at the city ofYerevanand you will realize who the council is, no more proofs are needed, the city is distorted every day, they don’t even stop for a week. The so-called mayor is just a manager who implements the will of the council, i.e. the will of theYerevancitizen. Now look at what that manager does, in which area the citizen’s will is. Examples are many, do you remember the booth story, how it started, how it ended? Here comes the President of the Republic and orders, ‘Dear Taron, this cannot be so, this issue must be resolved this way.’ That ‘dear Taron’ executed that order, where was the council then? Did you notice any shred of action taken by the council? Certainly, no. OK, didn’t it occur to any member of the council to raise a question just formally, I mean, it was proved once again that there is no such institution. I for one will never participate, will never go and sit next to them, because I think it is pointless. One can bring national instruments there, let them bang, all the same, they don’t do anything.”



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