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Armenia Buys Arms While Azerbaijan…

August 21,2012 14:20

Azerbaijani mass media was about to cause an interstate scandal by blustering about the alleged arms deal between Armenia and Ukraine. This information was quickly and officially refuted by bothArmeniaandUkraine, but as a matter of matter there will hardly be a serious analyst or an expert who will honestly trust to the smooth exchange of the Armenian-Ukrainian “diplomatic reverence” especially keeping in mind a recent Armenian-Moldavian experience. Nevertheless, we can record a very interesting and important difference from the previous “incident”: The elite of our eastern neighbor literally said nothing regarding the disseminated information by their mass media regarding the current arms sales. I believe this can cautiously be considered a base for the positive tendency towards the development of political maturation period ofAzerbaijan.

Ukraineis already a second country from The GUAM, (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) Organization for Democracy and Economic Development who is founded at the center of arms sales scandal with Armenia. Every time when any country at least “smiles” to Armenia, Azerbaijantakes umbrage, threatens, and then disguises itself as a victim whimpering about the “occupation of its territories”. Alas, the world doesn’t make its politics in accordance with the “Azerbaijani political model”. Nations have their own economic, strategic and more importantly national interests. Russian famous political analyst Oleg Kuznetsov has brilliantly commented the current situation and particularly has said: “Nothing personal, just business”. After all Armenian never makes a tragedy out of Russian arms exports toAzerbaijan.

In fact, there isn’t much to talk about this matter but one thing is clear we must welcome the ruling elite of Azerbaijanwhich prudently suppressed its usual hysterical behavior. The representatives of the mass media should also follow to this exemplary politics and not take umbrage from such developments. Under the current circumstances, it would be expedient to give a peace of advice to our colleagues and say that the cornerstone of the Imperial British foreign policy has become an inseparable part of today’s global politics: “There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies, only interests”.  

Erik Yeritsyan

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