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“Why Isn’t It Normal That the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Endorses the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Candidates?” Vardan Ayvazyan Says

September 06,2012 16:55


 In response to a question whether it was normal that the RPA supported the PAP candidates in the local elections and handed over the government of such a big town as Gyumri to the PAP, Vardan Ayvazyan, an RPA MP, said, “Why isn’t it normal?” In response to our question whether it testified to the fact that the RPA and the PAP had very warm friendly relations or whether the RPA needed the support of the PAP in other issues, he said, “I don’t say that they have very warm relations, nonetheless, the reason for that was that the local elections are in many cases about the ability to solve the issues of local importance and not politicized. Admittedly, it is politicized because of the influence of parties to a certain extent, if we consider the voting mechanism in the same Yerevan, they vote with party lists, but in other places, there is a direct vote; we announce individuals, citizens who are also members of a party. We perceive it as very normal. On the other hand, we say in a peaceful atmosphere, an atmosphere of unity. And why not Samvel Balasanyan, if we think that he will govern Gyumri better, the population wants him to a certain extent, shouldn’t we support Samvel Balasanyan, in order that he becomes the leader of the biggest community in the area of local government.”

In response to a question whether they would endorse the candidates of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) or the Heritage Party according to the same logic of a peaceful atmosphere, Mr. Ayvazyan said, “I don’t rule out, but I don’t see any need for that. If one is not sure whether the ANC would accept the steps taken by the same government; if they accept, make a statement that they accept, it is very probable.”

In response to our observation whether we could claim that there was a need for the PAP support in the presidential election, Mr. Ayvazyan said, “The Republican Party has enough power, so-called inner potential, resources to solve the issue of the incumbent president’s reelection, because both the president and the RPA have done work and have the right and ability to have their candidate and make the best of it.”

In response to a question whether he thought there were any rivals to the incumbent president, for example, Gagik Tsarukyan was considered as one, Mr. Ayvazyan said, “Tomorrow is another day. Let us agree that you will make public the names when people appear de facto…. I personally, with my abilities and the abilities of my party and my friends, ought to support the leader of my party, as I am a member of that party.”


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