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The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Has Agreed With the Armenian National Congress (ANC) That It Would Participate in the Rallies in Defense of the ANC Activists

September 11,2012 19:30

Today inquired of Elinar Vardanyan, a PAP MP, why the PAP hadn’t stood by the activists who had been convicted in the meanwhile and didn’t participate in the rallies organized by the ANC in defense of the activists. Let us note that Elinar Vardanyan said during a conversation with regarding the charges brought against Vartan Oskanian’s Civilitas, “As the PAP leader said, our team will support all those who will be put under pressure.”

He replied, “I was the first to condemn the verdict after the verdict on the ANC activists was brought in saying that it was a harsh punishment, so it might cause political assumptions. At the same time, we cooperate with our partners from the ANC on this issue. Moreover, we have an agreement that we will participate in the rallies organized by the ANC. Therefore, I will not agree with the idea that we don’t stand by our partners.” In response to our question

at what stage the relations between the PAP and the ANC were at the moment and how warm they were, he said, “We have stated lots of times that the PAP is ready to cooperate with all political forces given the interests of the state. So the initiatives of the ANC, which, in accordance with our perception, are in the interests of the state, are endorsed by us too. Therefore, the relations and the warmth are such.”


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