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The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) MP Joined the Struggle for Releasing the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Activists

September 14,2012 16:22


 Another protest demanding the release of the ANC activists condemned to imprisonment organized today was joined by Elinar Vardanyan, a PAP MP. “Many members of our parliamentary group have stated many times that they think that the punishment meted out to the ANC activists is clearly disproportionate to the committed deed. Also, as the chairman of the human rights protection committee of the National Assembly, I couldn’t but express my concerns and join this protest today, because I think that human rights should be a superior value and human rights must always be protected,” E. Vardanyan said stressing that he would participate in all events dedicated to protection of human rights, regardless of what political force organized it, “Whether it is the PAP, the ANC, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) or the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), so in this case, the superior value is the human being with his/her rights.”


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