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“It Was a Gesture of Reverence to Us So That We Are Satisfied and Calm Down,” About the Resolution Adopted by the European Parliament

September 14,2012 17:31 continues to get opinions of the Armenian political scientists on the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Ramil Safarov’s extradition and pardon. Let us note that the majority of them don’t pin hopes on this document, but state that it was adopted just to show to the international community that international organizations respond to the incident somehow. In response to a question what Armenia would gain from the adoption of the document, political scientist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan said, “It is hard to expect concrete demands. It is a statement of little or minor importance. However, I attach importance to the fact that the criticism of the deal between Azerbaijan and Hungary was politically documented. I think that such assessments are necessary, the more they are, the better it will be for us in terms of propaganda work with the international community.”

In response to another question of ours why there was no concrete demand made on Azerbaijan, our interlocutor said, “Europe doesn’t want that much to take on responsibility or to take steps toward getting involved in the processes in our region. Particularly given the fact that there is a conflict and serious concerns about the renewal of hostilities, Europe shies from being involved, since people in Brussels understand quite well that it will mean to be responsible for the renewal of hostilities. It is the reason why there is no serious position, but there are many general assessments.”

Ashot Yengoyan, the head of the history and theory of political science department, international relations faculty, Yerevan State University, stated, “It is a result of our country’s value, they take into account how much this or that state is valued in the international political arena while taking every political step. In that sense, Azerbaijan is certainly more valued than Armenia today for obvious reasons, regardless of how undemocratic the system there is and the fact that we have made a lot of progress. In this case in particular, they pin hopes on Azerbaijan only in terms of energy. Therefore, I think that they have far-reaching plans in that regard. The resolution was just a gesture of reverence to us so that we are satisfied and calm down a bit.”


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