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“If You Cast Your Votes for the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), It Will Give You a Garbage Truck,” a Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Governor Says

September 17,2012 15:11

 Edgar Ghazaryan, the newly-appointed governor of Vayk and a member of the RPA, accompanies Sirekan Babayan, the incumbent mayor of Yeghegnadzor and a member of the RPA announced as a candidate for the Yeghegnadzor mayor, during his election campaign. According to our information, the governor has severely criticized his predecessor, Sergey Bagratyan, who represented the PAP in his speeches. “If you cast your votes for the PAP, it will give you a garbage truck. They will tie balloons to it two days before the election, come in 30 Jeeps, stand in front of it, sing, dance, give you the garbage truck and leave,” Edgar Ghazaryan said at one of the meetings.

During a conversation with Aravot, the governor confirmed that he really accompanied Sirekan Babayan at non-working hours. He also confirmed that he had expressed criticism of the former governor and the PAP, “My criticism is not of the former governor personally, but of the fact, as far as I remember my speeches, that according to the coalition agreement, our region was granted to the PAP for around five years. During that time, two different people were the governors. I compare the motto of the PAP ‘Let’s build a prosperous country together’ with the reality.”

The election for mayor will be held in Yeghegnadzor on Sunday, September 23. Sirekan Babayan, the incumbent mayor of Yeghegnadzor, and Davit Harutyunyan, the manager of the PAP local office, will compete for the Yeghegnadzor mayor’s office.


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