The Freedom of Information Center has applied to the ethics commission of the high-ranking officials of the Republic of Armenia asking to give them information on the data in the statements of property and income of all governors of the Republic of Armenia. According to that information, Armen Ghularyan, the governor of Tavush, had an income of 20 thousand dollars in a foreign currency. According to the statement, the governor received the sum as a gift. In 2011, Armen Ghularyan’s wife had an income of 2.095.712 AMD.
We applied to the governor of Tavush in writing asking to tell us who had given him 20 thousand dollars as a present and whether his wife’s income of 2.095.712 AMD included the income from the share of the governor’s wife in Karavanatun, a company in Ijevan. Let us mention that this company produces bread and supplies it to the military base in Ijevan.
The governor’s written response reads, “We would like to inform you that the data that can be made public and are included in a high-ranking official’s tax, property and income statement are clearly and fully enumerated in the decision no. 1835-Ն of the Cabinet of the
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Republic of Armenia dated December 15, 2011. Giving information beyond that is not provided for by the decision, which mentions the data to be made public.”