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The Businessman Complained About the Fact That the Armenia-Turkey Border Was Closed

October 05,2012 13:18


Sait Biner, a participant in the business conference in the framework of the project Support to Armenia-Turkey Relations Improvement of the Union of Armenian Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers), who represented Aysnis, a Van-based touristic company, complained during a conversation with that he had spent quite much time to get to Armenia, “We travelled a one-hour road in 5 hours. And it is very bad. It is very important to solve the issue of opening the Armenia-Turkey border. We have come here for a different purpose, but we will also discuss the issue of opening the border, because if there is a shortcut, why should one extend it?”

Sait Biner is convinced that businessmen can exert influence in terms of opening the border. In his words, “Admittedly, we have different views, I am here as a representative of the Kurdish people and not Turkey, but we don’t have a hostile perception of Armenians or Turks. Our goal here is that governments, seeing our cooperation, warm relations, think of

opening the borders,” he stated adding that hostilities had a negative impact on Turkey’s business activities, for example, the hostilities in Syria had inflicted serious damage on businessmen, “Now all our business connections with Syria are suspended for obvious reasons.”


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