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Kevorkian estate, museum settle over artwork

October 05,2012 17:40

A lawyer says a dispute has been settled between Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s estate and a suburban Boston museum over the ownership of 17 of the assisted-suicide advocate’s paintings.

The executor of Kevorkian’s estate, Michigan-based attorney Mayer Morganroth, tells The Detroit News for a story today that the Armenian Library and Museum of America in Watertown, Mass., will keep four paintings and 13 will be returned to Kevorkian’s estate.

The museum sued in federal court in Massachusetts last year ahead of a New York auction. It claimed Kevorkian donated the art in 1999. His estate said he loaned it to the museum for an exhibit and subsequent storage.

A message seeking comment was sent early Friday to museum lawyers by the Associated Press.

Kevorkian died in 2011 at age 83.

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