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“There Hasn’t Been Such a Claim That the Republic Party Will Endorse Serzh Sargsyan,” Suren Abrahamyan Says

October 09,2012 17:35


 The idea of Suren Abrahamyan, a member of the Republic Party, expressed during a press conference yesterday that if Robert Kocharyan announced his candidacy, one could think of endorsing Serzh Sargsyan has caused different comments of mass media. This ambiguous claim of Mr. Abrahamyan has caused even accusations that the party talked about taking to the streets at the time, whereas now it has become Serzh Sargsyan’s supporter. During a conversation with, S. Abrahamyan explained the ideas expressed yesterday, particularly as if they would endorse Serzh Sargsyan, “Frankly speaking, I want to be above it and explain all that not as a deliberate act, but as a misunderstanding. I assess it as a comment out of the general context of the day, out of the context of the subject matter.”

In order to clarify, Mr. Abrahamyan stated, “We have already made an official statement that the Republic Party will not make deals with any political party in any format till December. After examining the political situation, it will be decided at the party congress whether we will participate with our own candidate or will endorse someone; by the way, this refers only to the candidates from the opposition camp. However, my wish is to enter for the election struggle with our own candidate. Time will tell whether we will have managed to convince Aram Sargsyan by that time. Thus, all kinds of talk about the election will be only in December.”

Talking about the speculations again, we inquired whether Mr. Abrahamyan had really made such a claim that the Republic Party didn’t rule out endorsing Serzh Sargsyan’s candidacy. Our interlocutor replied, “For the love of God, there is no such thing. We were not talking about parties. They asked a question with ifs that if there was a dilemma, only Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan were announced…. I answered that if Serzh Sargsyan personally needed my help in the fight against Kocharyan, one could think of it. That’s it; it was neither about the party nor the political position. What speculations, they are just idle people.”

Mr. Abrahamyan concluded the conversation in the following manner, “There has been no such claim that the Republic Party will endorse Serzh Sargsyan. Watch the video!” 


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