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Who Is Behind Oskanian’s Publicity, in Geghamyan’s View?

October 17,2012 16:00


 “This pointless fuss about Vartan Oskanian serves one purpose and is in accordance with PR technologies before presidential elections,” Artashes Geghamyan, the leader of the National Unity Party and a member of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) parliamentary group, said during a conversation with

He sees political forces behind V. Oskanian’s publicity, “Different forces and people are behind it. And everyone pursues his interests, but all of them are united by an idea of disrupting the strong position of the president.” He didn’t specify which forces he was talking about, he just added, “I absolutely don’t care about that issue. If I know that an action has been taken that is doomed to fail, I don’t deem necessary to make assumptions.”

According to him, it is Oskanian’s work style to put the blame first on the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) and now on the Huntsman family, “The reaction of the Huntsmen will be unpleasant, but not for Armenia or our justice system. It will be unpleasant for Oskanian

and the one who defends his interests, because it is nothing more than an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Armenia. It is unpleasant also in the sense that the Huntsman family has a good reputation among the Mormons, in particular and one shouldn’t involve that respectable family in a trivial criminal case to conceal one’s own mistakes.”


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