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“Why Should Oskanian Have Civilitas or Any other Organization and Be Sponsored From Abroad?” Manvel Ghazaryan Asks

October 17,2012 16:13


 “You know what, they say never hit a man when he is down, but I as a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, a member of the Union of Yerkrapah Volunteers think that it is very bad that a functionary in my country receives money from any other country. I think it is very bad,” Manvel Ghazaryan, the owner of Vedi Alco and a former MP, expressed such an opinion on the charges brought against Vartan Oskanian during a conversation with today.

In his words, “How can I know whether he received money, was financed from other sources during the years in office or not?”

In response to our observation that Vartan Oskanian had given a detailed explanation that this money was the money of Civilitas, Mr. Ghazaryan said, “Well, you know what, perhaps the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia should not be former. He must always be loyal to his republic. He should remain the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic both in his heart and in his soul. Why should he have an organization called Civilitas or any other organization and be sponsored from abroad?”


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