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MPs Met Also With Khachikyan

October 26,2012 17:02


 Armenian MPs, members of the standing committee on human rights protection and European integration, visited the National Security Service (NSS) detention center today to get acquainted with the conditions, in which detainees of this correctional facility were kept, to hear their offers. During a conversation with, Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) member Elinar Vardanyan, the chairman of the National Assembly human rights protection standing committee, said that compared to the Nubarashen correctional facility, conditions here were good. “A set of issues were raised by detainees of the NSS detention center – for example, to provide detainees with computers, to make amendments to the law regarding cameras etc. All those issues will be raised during hearings to take place in November and then we will make legislative proposals,” Ms. Vardanyan said.

MPs met also with Vazgen Khachikyan, a member of the RPA and a former chairman of the social security fund. Ms. Vardanyan said that Khachikyan, having extensive legal knowledge, had made offers himself, certainly, taking into account the capabilities of the country. There was no conversation on the Khachikyan case, “Since, naturally, we didn’t talk about criminal cases themselves,” Elinar Vardanyan said in response to a question of


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