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Deputy Foreign Minister Answers the Questions of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP)

October 29,2012 15:46


 In response to a question of Elinar Vardanyan, a PAP MP, whether it wouldn’t be possible to solve very important social issues by cutting down the Foreign Minister’s business trips to countries like Mexico, Guatemala or Congo, Shavarsh Kocharyan, a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said, “Should we leave them to Azerbaijan’s sphere of influence, so they can do whatever they like? The essence of our foreign policy is not only to be satisfied with Europe, the CIS and our immediate neighbors, but also to work with all countries, whether it is Asia or Africa.”

He said that as a result of the Minister’s business trip to Congo, Armenia had become a member of the International Organization of the Francophonie, “There are 56 countries, which have serious influence, and it is not random that this international organization makes a very balanced statement on the Karabakh issue in its resolution. So it was quite important for us to become a member of the Organization of the Francophonie. And the same thing applies to business trips to the other countries. Every such visit has its purpose, the results of which are quite tangible.”


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