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The Prosperous Armenia Party Joined the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Initiative

November 15,2012 17:24


 Levon Zurabyan, a member of the ANC parliamentary group, stated at a press conference today that the parliamentary group initiated convening an extraordinary meeting of the parliament on Wednesday. It will concern the proposals of making amendments to the Election Code of the Republic of Armenia made by the ANC.

As of 5 p.m., there were already enough signatures necessary to convene the extraordinary meeting. Naira Zohrabyan, the secretary of the PAP parliamentary group, explained the decision of the PAP to join the ANC initiative during a conversation with by the fact that those included provision acceptable for the PAP – the switch to 100-percent majoritarian representation, publication of voter lists, calculation of envelopes etc. Ms. Zohrabyan also thinks that the ANC proposals will offer an opportunity to organize the electoral processes more transparently. And since according to the parliament’s rules of procedure, discussing those proposals was due next year, after the presidential election, the PAP didn’t see any reason for not joining the ANC initiative to convene an extraordinary meeting.

“All members of our parliamentary group have joint the proposal, except for one or two MPs. As of now, 48 signatures necessary to convene an extraordinary meeting – those are signatures of the ANC, the PAP, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) and the Free Democrats MPs.” As for whether the report will be handed in to the secretariat or other MPs will join too, it is hard for Ms. Zohrabyan to predict. In response to a question of whether the Heritage Party MPs hadn’t responded, Naira Zohrabyan said that she didn’t know, the ANC dealt with it, but the necessary signatures for an extraordinary meeting were already there, “The other MPs should decide themselves.”


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