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“The Indeterminacy of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Unites the Armenian National Congress (ANC) and the PAP,” a Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP Says

November 16,2012 15:45


 Does the issue of eliminating the Serzh Sargsyan regime unite the ANC and the PAP? In response to this question of, Karine Achemyan, an RPA MP, said, “If Naira Zohrabyan, the secretary of the PAP parliamentary group, considered that question inappropriate, then no. They have opposed the government program many times, but Naira Zohrabyan considered that question inappropriate and didn’t claim what Zurabyan had said, so every political force claims its opinion by itself. In this case, Levon Zurabyan said what the ANC had always said – struggle against the regime. Perhaps, they rather struggle against a person, it is not that normal. They had better unite and focus on their candidate whom I don’t see today. There are problems and rumblings in the same PAP, and if they worked more jointly, they would be more prepared for participating in the presidential election.”

Let us remind that talking about the cooperation between the ANC and the PAP, Levon Zurabyan, the secretary of the ANC parliamentary group, said yesterday that their goal was to achieve elimination of the Serzh Sargsyan regime, “This is what unites us, I am convinced that our union gradually becomes more powerful and stronger.”

In response to our question what united the ANC and the PAP, Ms. Achemyan said it was the indeterminacy of the PAP, “Perhaps, these discussions on proportional and majoritarian representation, perhaps that the PAP hasn’t made up its mind in which camp it is and what it should do – all this contributes to discussions.”

In response to our question whether the indeterminacy of the PAP was caused by political bargaining with the RPA, the RPA MP said, “Judging from their targets, there is such an issue, but, certainly, time will tell. Every political force has its opinion, it should think before expressing an assured opinion, because as a result of certain developments in the future, which are favorable or unfavorable for them, political forces, people will remember one day what they said. So there should be logic in what one does and says. I didn’t say that political bargaining was under way, there are no such discussions yet, but judging from the targets, the criticism of the Cabinet, they have certain demands. It is a force that has a large mass of people behind it and perhaps, has a right to make certain demands, but the way seems inappropriate to me. In the sense that one should be more honest on the political stage, clarify against what and for what one struggles.”

The latest statement of second President of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharyan made clear for Ms. Achemyan who is behind the PAP, “I don’t think that there is any need for comments. Everything is quite clear.”


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