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The Storm of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Is Groundless, a National Assembly Deputy Speaker Says

November 20,2012 15:13


 Yesterday Vahagn Khachatryan, a member of the ANC, said that there would be a storm after ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrossian’s nomination for the upcoming presidential election. Today inquired of  Hermine Naghdalyan, a National Assembly Deputy Speaker, whether she considered the storm in case of ANC leader’s nomination possible, “It is common terminology – heated autumn, heated winter, storm – but we have seen all of it. Today every political force had better do its job and carry out its program, if a storm arises,

fine. However, I don’t consider a storm possible; I think that speculation about a future storm is groundless.”

Ms. Naghdalyan doesn’t think that opposition forces will rally around some idea or person: “I will welcome it, if they unite, because rallying around ideas and expanding is important for developing the country’s political system. Will there be such a process at this stage? I cannot answer, because there are differences both in ideas and programs, ambitions of persons, problems with regard to political biographies. There are many people both in favor and against this process. From past experience, we can assert that moments of the political system’s consolidation – and those were just moments, except for the process regarding coalition government – moments of consolidation in the opposition camp have been short and not particularly efficient. Because a healthy ideological basis for establishing a serious political union lasting for a long time is not there. It is possible to rally around this or that issue, but will it yield the expected result? The negative answer is more probable than the positive one. We have experienced this too, when uniting is directed against the government; this union didn’t yield any result. It is important for consolidation to be for something, because being against something will not be implemented and if it is not implemented, it will not work.”


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