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“I Am Absolutely Against the Approach That if Someone Doesn’t Support the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) With Us, He Is With Serzh Sargsyan,” Aram Sargsyan Says

November 23,2012 21:21

When the Republic Party withdrew from the Armenian National Congress (ANC), it was expected that certain steps had to be taken, there had to be activity, and what is the reason for this passiveness? In response to this question of ours, Aram Z. Sargsyan, the leader of the Republic Party, said during a conversation with, “Yes, that activity didn’t happen. Moreover, today, in the run up to the party congress that will take place on December 20-22, I have meetings in the field, with the society for the preparatory work of the congress. The problems that I see are a result of the current situation in the country. It is impossible to show activity, to be active today, given manifold problems. Not only the government, but also the opposition is to blame for this. Moreover, the waters are very troubled. However, it doesn’t mean that they will not be overcome. It doesn’t mean at all that we will not become active.”

In response to our question whether it was possible that they would join Levon Ter-Petrossian again and endorse him in the upcoming presidential election, he said: “Levon Ter-Petrossian should announce his candidacy for that in the first place, in order that I say whether it is possible or not. This issue has not been discussed in our party. Today the ANC continues the policy that it deems right, and we continue to honestly do our work, maintaining our reputation, saying to the society what we think, struggling against the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), as well as Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan. I am absolutely against the approach spread in this country – if someone is not with us and doesn’t support the PAP with us, he is with Serzh Sargsyan. The tragedy of the present political stage is that. I am against both of them. I don’t think those two are different, and I don’t think I should cooperate with either of them. Let those who try to defeat someone through someone else try. That victory is not a victory for me.”

We reminded Aram Sargsyan that in his previous interviews in 2008, he would always stress that Levon Ter-Petrossian was a wise man, if he made a move, he knew what he did it for. Therefore, in response to our question whether he didn’t think today that Levon Ter-Petrossian was wise, perhaps the cooperation with the PAP was one of those wise moves, he said: “Levon Ter-Petrossian is the first President of the Republic of Armenia. Armenia won a victory during his tenure, ensured Karabakh’s maturing as a state, ensured peace and guaranteed the security of Karabakh’s population. It was impossible to achieve these results without wisdom. I respect the first President of the Republic of Armenia. Levon Ter-

Petrossian said one sentence about the issue concerning me – time will tell who was right. I fully share his approach.”


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