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“As of a Quarter to 2, the Issue of Getting Rid of the Serzh Sargsyan Regime Is Not on the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Agenda”

November 27,2012 15:38


 “I am under the impression that Vartan Oskanian said the right thing. Vartan Oskanian says that he is the best candidate, but the party wants Gagik Tsarukyan,” Aram Karapetyan, the leader of the New Times Party, expressed this opinion during a conversation with today, commenting on PAP MP Vartan Oskanian’s Facebook status update.

In response to our question why then Gagik Tsarukyan wanted only Vartan Oskanian and didn’t agree with his party, he said: “The fact of the matter is that he is the most politicized person among them. There are inner-party problems in the PAP. The first one is that Vartan Oskanian is a newcomer and differs a bit. Secondly, there is something else. PAP members understand that Gagik Tsarukyan’s image, charisma has more impact on the people at present.”

In response to a question whether the issue of getting rid of the Serzh Sargsyan regime was on the PAP agenda or not, according to him, Aram Karapetyan said that there was little time left, we should wait a little more and see: “I am under the impression that such a thing cannot be noticed at the moment. As of now, November 27, a quarter to 2, I don’t see that.”


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