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Armen Martirosyan Talks About the 2nd Dialogue Between the Armenian National Congress (ANC) and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)

December 05,2012 15:50


 Armen Martirosyan, the deputy leader of the Heritage Party, is under the impression that the ANC went for a dialogue with the RPA on the proposal of the ANC to establish a commission on March 1.

“This is not the first time we see such a situation. There was a dialogue in 2011. This time we witness a dialogue in which the government’s authorized representative Davit Harutyunyan states again in what format that commission should work; so he determines the content in advance,” Mr. Martirosyan said.

It is clear for him already how efficient the commission will work, “When he says that it shouldn’t be politicized, it shouldn’t solve real problems, the government should account for 50 percent so that it can boycott or vote against, it is clear for me that this commission will not work efficiently or have an efficient outcome. Moreover, if the government wanted to take an efficient step, there was a fact-finding group that worked quite efficiently, and that very efficiency was the reason why at first, they tried to impede its work from inside, then it was dissolved by the president’s decree.”

To Mr. Martirosyan, the issue of establishing an interim commission on March 1 is a political issue. As for why the ANC agreed with the RPA not to politicize it and to postpone the discussion on the issue until after the presidential election, it was hard for Mr. Martirosyan to comment on that, “They are to decide – they may go for a dialogue with the RPA, then make a political analysis of the election with the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), then again start Dialogue 2 with the RPA, then perhaps there will be Political 2 with the PAP.”


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