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“I Wasn’t Able to Persuade Voters,” Stepan Safaryan’s Admission of His Defeat

December 13,2012 22:46

Republican MPs, Gagik Minasyan and Hovhannes Sahakyan, “blame” the very Heritage Party for the defeat of Styopa Safaryan, the secretary of the Heritage Party, in the additional election in no. 1 electoral district. According to them, the team didn’t appreciate Styopa Safaryan, putting him at the bottom of the electoral list, and thus caused Styopa Safaryan’s rating to fall. In this regard, Styopa Safaryan said during a conversation with “My personal remarks about no. 1 electoral district are that a large part of voters just didn’t believe that I could win that election. The fact of the matter is that they remained skeptical and didn’t leave their homes. I must admit that I wasn’t able to convince them that I could win.” In response to a question whether he agreed with the notion that the team hadn’t appreciated him, his rating had fallen, he said: “I wouldn’t define it using those words, but there was discontent about why it turned out this way. Frankly speaking, our voters expressed discontent. I cannot conceal it. But let me add to what Mr. Sahakyan said that it was also stated that the Heritage Party list was not a list of merits. I will not discuss whether it is a right or a wrong way of drawing up a list, but it is clear that we stated in advance that it was not a list of merits. Therefore, I don’t share the notion that the Heritage Party didn’t properly appreciate my merits. I think that it was guided by other principles, while drawing up the list.”


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