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Bisharyan Claims That the Results of the Gallup Polls Are “Predetermined”

December 24,2012 16:55

According to the latest Gallup poll, only 2 percent of the citizens would vote for Artur Baghdasaryan, the leader of the Rule of Law Party (RLP), in the upcoming presidential election, if he was nominated. And since Heghine Bisharyan, a deputy leader of the RLP, always boasts about the high rating of their party leader and claims that their leader is loved and valued by the people, inquired of her whether they didn’t have a fear after the Gallup poll that Artur Baghdasaryan’s rating had fallen dramatically. “I don’t treat the Gallup polls very seriously, because I know quite well what approaches those sociologists have. We have always seen that their results were either predetermined or incorrect,” Ms. Bisharyan said.

In response to our question whether the index of the incumbent president, the candidate of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), was also predetermined and incorrect, Ms. Bisharyan said: “I am not talking about that. Today Serzh Sargsyan is the only winning candidate among the candidates participating in the presidential election; this is a whole different thing, we have to take this into account.”


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