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Petition to Open the Turkish Border for Syrian Armenians

January 07,2013 15:34

A petition has been started on the US president Obama administration web page to call to open the Turkish-Armenian border. Those who have signed the petition want the border to be opened, at least for refugees from Syria.

To sign the petition you need to follow this link.

After, you need to approve your registration from your e-mail address and press the “sign this petition” button.


Here is the text of the petition:


Call the government of Turkey to open its border with Armenia for refugees from Syria

More than 60.000 people have been killed in the war in Syria.

500.000 refugees have escaped from war and death… But many millions are unable to do that.

Only few air companies still fly there and tickets are strongly limited. Mostly, people escape from Syria by buses and cars.

There are 200.000 ethnic Armenians living in Syria and most of them want to escape to Armenia where they can feel safe, comfortable, find a job, a place to live and go to schools.

Тhe road from Syria to Armenia goes through Turkey which closed its border with Armenia in 1993. It creates a big problem for Armenian refugees.

Thus, we are kindly asking to call Turkey to open the land border with Armenia (at least, for refugees) without any preconditions.

There shouldn’t be closed borders in the 21-st century.

To see the petition, go to there.

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