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An Expert in Epic Poems Is the Same as an Expert in Giraffes, Scientists Say About Vardan Sedrakyan Who Has Declared Himself an Expert in Epic Poems

January 10,2013 16:53

Vardan Sedrakyan who presents himself as an expert in epic poems is among candidates for president. He is an engineer and graduated from Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction. inquired of university professors and scientists whether Vardan Sedrakyan is famous in the study of epic poetry in Armenia, and what achievements he had in the study of epic poetry.

University professors didn’t know V. Sedrakyan at all. For example, Artsrun Avagyan, the dean of the Faculty of Philology, said during a conversation with that he didn’t know an expert in epic poems by that name and suggested that we find out from the Institute of Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, whether there was an expert in epic poems by the name of Vardan Sedrakyan or not.

Academia, to put it mildly, didn’t speak highly of V. Sedrakyan. Scientists told us that the term “expert in epic poems” didn’t exist; it was the same as an expert in giraffes. Then they stated that no one by that name was known in the study of epic poetry in Armenia. They described V. Sedrakyan with inappropriate epithets, which we don’t make public due to politeness.

In response to our question whether he knew an expert in epic poems by the name of Vardan Sedrakyan, Sargis Harutyunyan, the head of the Theory and History of Armenian Philology Department, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, said the following: “Every madman can announce his candidacy for president. I neither know nor met that expert in epic poems. I am surprised. You can announce your candidacy and say that you are an expert in epic poems or parables or an expert in something, it doesn’t matter what. I don’t know him, I haven’t heard his speeches, and I strongly dislike that person.”

In response to our observation that V. Sedrakyan had even written a book, Mr. Harutyunyan said the following: “Nowadays, everyone writes a book; they write books about anything. I don’t know him; what he does is madness. Look, look… an expert in epic poems is a candidate for president. What happened to our greats like Manuk Abeghyan and Karo Melik-Ohanjanyan?”


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