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The Opposition Complains About Unequal Coverage

January 22,2013 11:50

“It is a very well-prepared video the content of which, unfortunately, doesn’t correspond to the real situation in Armenia today. I would also like to live in the Armenia shown in the video. But unfortunately, our country today is not that Armenia shown there,” Hovsep Khurshudyan, the spokesperson for Raffi Hovhannisyan’s campaign headquarters, said to about a Serzh Sargsyan campaign advertisement.

“And most importantly, they even showed immigration there that someone is coming back. However, we can notice that during Serzh Sargsyan’s presidency, roughly 200 thousand

people have emigrated. So making such emphases is a bit strange, having such a background, such a presidency,” Mr. Khurshudyan said.

In response to our observation that the advertisement gave hope that it would be so in the future, it didn’t represent the current situation, Hovsep Khurshudyan said: “You know what, all of us have that hope, but he should have proven that during his presidency, with his former deeds and the efficiency of seizing former opportunities. If it hasn’t happened, and the opposite has happened, people have a right not to believe that those hopes and promises will be carried out next time.”

The election campaign has just started, but the opposition has already noticed an unequal attitude toward candidates. “We started to watch yesterday how TV channels commented on the start of candidates’ campaigns. It shows that the ruling team is not sure that it will win. If they had been sure that they would win, they would have been calmer, they would have been less nervous. It shows that they are very much concerned, and I think that their concerns are appropriate, since they will lose. The extent to which the president’s team has prepared for this campaign, the expenses that have been made, and inequality in coverage that is visible already are obvious.”


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