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“I Haven’t Been Offered an Office,” Hrant Bagratyan Says

January 25,2013 19:27

We asked Hrant Bagratyan, a candidate for president, in the village of Achajur whether he could win the election taking into account the fact that Serzh Sargsyan had administrative, financial, informational, and other resources.

* I think I will win. For a very simple reason. You know what, what else will you do, what else there is to do? I don’t know; for example, in this village, I was under the impression that the main part, you see how slowly at the beginning, then people gathered, some 70, 80 or 100 people. Then I see interest in the back, they stand in a few rows, they stand in rows at a distance, don’t they? I see that these people understand, realize that what I say is right. This is my task; to make speeches and collect these votes. I believe that these votes will suffice for victory.

* If you are not elected, is it possible that the government will offer you an office, and you will use your knowledge and experience?

* I haven’t been offered an office; I don’t want an office. In the end, I am an MP. I assert there the same thing I say here; it is not like I am holding something back. I am not a man who spouts venom and speaks with malice, says that it is a bad thing, he knows a better thing, but won’t tell. I say let them do, if they can. I haven’t been offered an office. I think if they want to do something, they can do all this without giving me an office.

* And if you are offered prime ministership?

* We haven’t had such a conversation…. We don’t talk with ifs. We intend to participate in the presidential election. It would have been just a wrong message to society from the headquarters.

* What relationship do you have with Levon Ter-Petrossian? When did you last meet?

* Very good, fine. We last met shortly before the New Year; we will meet again.

* Members of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) support you here, in Ijevan. Do they generally support you?

* Basically I don’t know which percentage; I think the majority supports. However, there are people who say, “Mate, we worked with Ter-Petrossian, we felt

obliged, we don’t feel obliged, as far as you are concerned, or we are not sure that you are saying the right thing.” I think it is normal. They weren’t obliged to support me as one man.


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