Day newsfeed

Raffi Hovhannisyan Tore Off His Poster

January 29,2013 22:47

Today Raffi Hovhannisyan, a candidate for president, tore his election poster off a building of the Haypost department in Khor Virap. The posters of the President of the Republic of Armenia were pasted on the same spot. He fought with his volunteers, for they had behaved as the supporters of Serzh Sargsyan, and the law forbade it. A volunteer explained that according to the decision of the local council, that spot had been allotted, and he had pasted the poster, only after asking for permission from the village administration. This didn’t seem trustworthy to Raffi Hovhannisyan. In his words, one should clear up, if it turns out that this is not illegal, let them restore his poster on that spot, meanwhile he folded the poster in four and put it in his pocket.

While he was “fighting” with his volunteer and explaining that he didn’t need such an illegal election campaign, the village headman approached. He confirmed that the spot was not illegal, and they had really asked for permission from him to paste an election poster on that building.




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