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Why Should One Rally “Around the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Axis”?

March 12,2013 15:47

The PAP will not have its say in Freedom Square

“There is a podium, and all forces can express their attitude from here,” Rubik Hakobyan, the Heritage Party parliamentary group leader, stated during a press conference in Freedom

Square today, quoting Raffi Hovhannisyan’s words that the time of statements was over, since the podium for statements was Freedom Square from now on. inquired of Tigran Urikhanyan, the press secretary of the PAP, whether the PAP was going to respond to the Heritage Party’s appeal and would have its say from that square from now on. “The PAP has always been making appeals from manifold podiums, as well as offering a concrete and realistic action program, carrying those out, taking on responsibility, and bearing the responsibility with dignity within the limits of its abilities. Now it is another opportunity for broader consolidation around the PAP agenda, in this case, around solving problems of the citizens of Yerevan and making changes in the lives of the citizens of Yerevan,” the PAP press secretary said. In response to our question whether the party didn’t consider other possibilities of consolidation beyond the PAP agenda, Urikhanyan said: “The PAP is always ready to cooperate with a force that represents a part of the people, if visible and tangible changes can be achieved for people not in the long run, but in the short run.” As to whether Urikhanyan thinks it was possible that the opposition would participate in the Yerevan City Council election with a common list, given the failed attempt in the presidential election and the PAP’s aspirations, our interlocutor said: “I wouldn’t like to talk about possibilities, make assumptions, but I want to repeat and clarify that the PAP is ready to discuss any kind of cooperation. I think people, voters realize quite well whose starting potential, human resources will make it possible to reach the destination, then carry out the intended programs. In this context, we think that consolidation around the PAP axis is more natural. If anyone can offer a better, more realistic option, we are ready to discuss.”


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