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Hasn’t Nerses Nazaryan “Merged” With IMEX GROUP?

April 19,2013 10:49 has received information that Nerses Nazaryan, a former head of the Yerevan city police department, is one of the stockholders of IMEX GROUP, better known to the public as Ideal. Perhaps taking into account that very fact, the police mentioned about the reasons for Nerses Nazaryan’s dismissal in the statement issued by it: “It is important for the police to rule out the combination of service and entrepreneurship, as it were, the merger with certain social strata.” According to our information, it was not only about the famous Moskvichka supermarket chain, the owner of which is Nerses Nazaryan’s son, but also about IMEX GROUP. According to certain information, Mr. Nazaryan registered his business not under his son’s, mother-in-law’s, or wife’s name, as the majority of high-ranking officials in our country usually do, but under his own name. IMEX GROUP is the owner of not only the Ideal chain stores, but also a set of famous brand stores. We haven’t been able to contact Mr. Nazaryan to check this information; his cell phone was constantly “busy” during the day. However, Norik Khachatryan, the owner of IMEX GROUP, answered the questions of “There is no such thing. There is no such document, where Mr. Nazaryan is our stockholder. There hasn’t even been such an idea,” Norik Khachatryan assured.


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