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He reminded that Serzh Sargsyan topped the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) list in the National Assembly election too and didn’t leave his office

April 19,2013 11:15

One of the residents of the Malatya-Sebastia community approached Armen Rustamyan, a representative of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body in Armenia, after a campaign meeting yesterday and asked whether participating in the city council election separately was a tactical move, or…. Armen Rustamyan replied: “No, we really did what we could to have a common list. That is why I said that the best way to do that was to have Raffi Hovhannisyan top it; everyone else had their place on that list. We said this, but, unfortunately, Mr. Hovhannisyan thought at that time as if he would debase his presidential victory, which I think is not the right approach. Let me give you an example; it is the same as a commander in the Great Patriotic War who is waiting for the troops to take Berlin and

then lead them into the Battle of Berlin. Who should lead them into the other battles? This is a battle that will eventually bring about a change of power in the country. According to this logic, this should be part of your struggle, shouldn’t it? He wouldn’t debase, if he thought like that; Levon Ter-Petrossian topped their list in 2009, didn’t he? Or the president topped the RPA National Assembly list. Now did he give up the presidency and become a candidate? He asserted their goal and serious attitude toward the issue by that. This is what wasn’t realized.” Armen Rustamyan promised to talk about this at the meeting with Raffi Hovhannisyan tomorrow.


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