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What Was a Police Officer Armed With an Automatic Rifle Doing Among Protesters? (Video)

April 22,2013 10:50

Armen Martirosyan, a deputy leader of the Heritage Party, was interviewed at the Special Investigative Service for a few hours today as a witness of the events of April 9. “I presented to the detective what had happened on that day. It was a normal interview,” Mr. Martirosyan told journalists after the interview. In his words, the interview concerned the two opened cases. “It was related to the confusion in the morning and the illegal actions of the police officers. As a candidate for membership in the city council and number one on the Hello Yerevan Coalition list, as early as on April 7, the police officers impeded our march from Gyumri to Yerevan…, and the second episode transpired in the evening when some representatives of the police demonstrated an animal instinct and subjected me to violence.” Mr. Martirosyan said that Facebook users had quickly recognized the police officers who had used violence against him in the video shot at the scene, and it had turned out that one of them was known by his nickname Bison. “He has a nickname of a large hoofed mammal, and large hoofed mammals belong in fields, not in the police system.” He also claimed that the police officer with the nickname Bison was armed with an automatic rifle on April 9. “What was a man armed with an automatic rifle doing among those peaceful protesters?”

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