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A Resident of Vanadzor Who “Laundered the Money” of the US Citizens’ Bank Cards Was Condemned to Imprisonment

April 27,2013 10:07

He has been in custody for more than 2 years

Charges have been laid against Henrik Grigoryan, born in 1985, a resident of the town of Vanadzor, region of Lori. He is tried because he bought the data of stolen bank cards belonging to US citizens and served in US banks (the name of the owner, the 16-digit number, the date of the card’s issue and expiration, and the card’s 3-digit CVV code) for $2-10 on a website in October-November 2009 and intending to steal the money on those bank accounts, he embezzled 362 800 drams and 461 500 drams on two occasions, 823 300 drams in total, from the US creditors’ accounts in November 2009, using computer technology. He legalized (“laundered”) 461 500 drams of that sum, as a result of which the US banks demanded of the service providing bank in Armenia, Armbusinessbank, repayment of the stolen money. H. Grigoryan was charged with Article 181, Section 1 and Article 190, Section 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia. H. Grigoryan who had no criminal record and was a university graduate moved for a speedy trial, saying that he had consulted his attorney about that and agreed with the charges laid against him. On April 23, Mushegh Harutyunyan, a judge of the trial court of the region of Lori, found Henrik Grigoryan guilty of larceny committed with the use of computer technology (Article 181, Section 1 of the Criminal Code) and legalizing income earned by unlawful means (Article 190, Section 1 of the Criminal Code) and condemned him to 2 years and 3 months in prison. The court decided to compel G. Grigoryan to pay 461 500 drams to the treasury. While setting the punishment, the court took into account that he regretted the crime, had a minor in his care and a father of the second category of disability, had good references, and had compensated the immediate damage inflicted by the crime, as extenuating circumstances. Since H. Grigoryan has actually been in custody since February 9, 2011, he will most probably be released in the next few days.


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