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The Armenian Revolutionary Party (ARF) Office: The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Gives Out 20 Thousand Drams and the PAP Gives Out 10 Thousand Drams

May 03,2013 11:34

Residents are threatened that unless they vote for the RPA, they will demand the money given last time; they film everything and see who votes for whom

In buildings at 50, 50/1, 50/2, 52 Arshakunyats Avenue – in the neighborhood called “Yonjalakh Triangular,” to be exact – representatives of the PAP give out 10 thousand drams to the residents. The residents themselves informed the ARF campaign office in Shengavit about this. The office informed that Sargis Kurkchyan, a former head of the public utility, is among those who give out bribes.

The ARF office informed us that the Republicans, in their turn, gave out 20 thousand drams in Aeratsia, in the RPA office located near School No. 169. The ARF office was warned about this also by the residents. Hayrapet Hayrapetyan and one Zhiro who, according to the residents, is a famous figure in the neighborhood and is the head of one of the condominiums in the area give out bribes.

Besides, according to the ARF office, Taron Margaryan’s supporters also give out 10 thousand drams to the residents of Margaryan Side Street 2 in Ajapnyak.

A few residents of 10 Yeghishe Tadevosyan Street told representatives of the ARF in the ARF office in Shengavit that Republicans intimidated and threatened residents, “We gave you money at the last election, and we filmed that you didn’t vote for us. If you don’t vote for us again, you will have to pay back the money for this and last time.” A representative of the ARF office said during a conversation with that they had explained to the residents that no one could actually film the moment of voting and find out whom the citizen had voted for; it was secret.



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