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The Headquarters of the Rule of Law Party (RLP) Has Been Alerted to Bribes Many Times

May 05,2013 17:17

The Rule of Law Party headquarters has been alerted to bribes handed out near different polling places many times during the day.

Khachik Harutyunyan, the campaign manager, told about this during a conversation with The latest warning about election bribe has been from the Nor Nork administrative district.

The RLP supporters informed that election bribes were handed out on a massive scale. “There is just an hour left till the end of the election; in the meantime, we also try to supervise and will warn, should the need arise,” Mr. Harutyunyan said. During the morning hours, the RLP was also alerted to crowds at polling places.

According to the campaign manager, “But it may be understandable, since voters are usually active in the morning.” The RLP poll-watchers haven’t been alerted to double-voting, inflated voter registration lists and other fraud.


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