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Who Is the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) “Source”?

May 09,2013 11:08

Tigran Urikhanyan doesn’t go into detail: “If Ms. Zohrabyan needs to express herself more clearly, she will do it.”

* Were the Prosperous Armenia Party’s expectations met in the Yerevan City Council election?

* I must repeat my opinion which I expressed on the election day after making the rounds of 150 polling places; firstly this election was a far cry from being a perfect one. It seems that in recent years, in particular in this election, certain things were in accordance with the law, but as a result, they contradict the voter’s wish. And the final result differs from the vote. In this sense, I think of this election as paradoxical. And I cannot comprehend the formulation “expectations from paradoxical elections.”

* Given the fact that the PAP aspired to win the majority of votes, was coming second a defeat for the PAP or not?

* The trust of every resident of Armenia is very important for us. What we have is a fact, which we consider from one perspective – responsibility. Whatever responsibility there is, we should bear it with dignity, should carry it with dignity, with our work, showing results that the people can see and touch. We should carry out everything that we have promised our voter, using at least our limited abilities. We should wait and see what will come of it.

* The statement about the city council election released by the PAP was rather mild. What is the PAP waiting for, what should it analyze, what should it understand, if everything was clear from the beginning?

* The statement was issued the day after the election by the PAP campaign headquarters. Discussions in the party are still in progress. In parallel with that, we are following the developments and when the results are finalized, the discussions in the party are over, and I am entitled to inform about the results, I will do that with pleasure.

* During the Yerevan City Council election campaign, the participating forces, including the PAP, made public statements about joint work, seizing power in Yerevan and counterbalancing the ruling party. However, that joint work was not visible in the electoral processes. Moreover, the post-election statements made by the oppositionists were sort of time-serving or arousing sympathy. Why the opposition camp cannot unite?

* I am not entitled to answer on behalf of the whole opposition, but at the majority of polling places, there was rather efficient cooperation between the very people who were interested in ensuring a high-quality election, including representatives of the opposition and representatives of organizations carrying out an independent observation mission. In that sense, I cannot say that there were many shortcomings.

At least, hundreds of people made efforts to somehow contribute to ensuring a high-quality election.

* Do you know whether there have been meetings, discussions between opposition forces participating in the city council election, whether they intend to take joint actions?

* Just three days have passed after the election, and this period is not enough to take logical actions given the amount of work, but if such a thing happens, I will inform with pleasure.

* Some representatives of the opposition camp are blaming the PAP these days for cutting deals with government and not being honest with the opposition. Is there such a thing?

* I am not aware of such statements. Who has said such things?

* For example, Stepan Safaryan who represents the Hello Yerevan coalition.

* The attacks of the Heritage Party on the PAP’s reputation have been commented on already. I have nothing to add.

* There is an opinion that the PAP’s coming second in the Yerevan City Council election was a “slap in the face” for the Armenian National Congress (ANC). Do you share that opinion?

* We have a lot of respect for all political forces that represent certain parts of the people and particularly for the ANC. That the PAP managed to win the trust of almost one hundred thousand people in the Yerevan election is just a share of responsibility that we should bear with dignity. It is my opinion, and I think that when we take on that responsibility we will not think about what moral impact it will have and on whom. We can consider the people’s vote to be nothing but responsibility.

* Will the PAP assume the offices?

* Discussions are still in progress. My personal position is that one should take on responsibility, and our representatives should start to work.

* Gurgen Arsenyan who was number two on the PAP list for the city council election said that he considered his mission finished; there is also talk that there has been panic in the PAP after May 5?

* Mr. Arsenyan probably meant the Yerevan City Council election, in which every one of us carried out his mission, and naturally, it was finished after the election. As for the PAP, our ranks are durable and strong, the intention is the same, to make changes. The future is full of expectations for us, wishes of taking the path of big, new changes and specific actions, which will be taken in the short run.

* Talking about the shocked mood of the PAP, Naira Zohrabyan who was responsible for the election campaign said in an interview yesterday: “No, it isn’t there. Moreover, I cannot understand why that PAP source, which, by the way, is among the top three on the PAP list, is in a state of shock.” Who is it about, and what sentiment is there in the PAP?

* If the secretary of the PAP parliamentary group states something, naturally, it is grounded and worth attention.

* Would you clarify for us who it is about, Vartan Oskanian, Gurgen Arsenyan, or Abraham Manukyan?

* I wouldn’t like to go into detail and explain. If Ms. Zohrabyan needs to express herself more clearly, she will do that.


Aravot Daily

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