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“Ones who may die for truth”

June 07,2013 14:30

Now, when Surik Khachatryan is a former official, my estimates will be more moderate. You will say why, isn’t he the same person who “occupied” the Governor’s Office of Goris with armed detachment, whose name is connected with multiple murders, beatings, rapes, and who personally and with his “bodyguards” was keeping the whole Syunik Marz in fear. Yes, it’s about the same Liska, but about a man who significantly has less leverage since yesterday to continue his “activity”, as well as to settle scores with those criticizing him. (The sons-in-law are out the count. their threats are coming from narrow personal sphere). If we keep talking about the former Governor of Syunik in the same spirit as we were talking during his tenure, we will be similar to those politicians and commentators who were getting on their high horses after February 1998, condemning “the previous criminal regime”.

Therefore, it’s time to talk not about the personalities, but the values. The interpretation of what happened, according to the system of values, is as follows: “The Budaghyan family behaved a little wrong towards Surik, so Surik, a guy who may die for truth and self-esteem, solves the issues like a true Armenian man.”

Now, if we put aside the fact of being a Governor and the former heroic deeds of given person, let’s admit whether this explanation is not acceptable for the majority of population of Armenia. Whether these norms adopted in the joint world of criminals, oligarchs and the “official” are not included in the scope of general understanding of our public. Whoever holds a knife in the hands, slaughters, whoever has a rifle in the hand (for example, in the army), shoots. So how can they go against the truth?

So far as just such guys become not only governors, but also members of parliament, oligarch and authority, in other words, they have reached the desired peak of their life, it is very natural that the majority of teenagers and young people are oriented by such standards of life and such system of values. The main topic of conversation in their neighborhood is, who how many cars, house and a bodyguard has. Their parents discuss the same topics: they have this, they have that, but the poor people …

A situation is created that reminisces the era of Brezhnev: in those times people were talking about high values from the official tribunes, about execution and re-execution of the plan, but the majority of population was dreaming about to become a “workshop man”, a storekeeper, an inspector, a prosecutor, or a secretary of the Regional Committee, and enjoy the life. So as today, whatever is officially said about patriotism, national values, or, I do not know, nzhdehism, absolutely “does not meet” the reality. First of all, due to such characters as Liska.


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