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New discovery: “Surik Khachatryan shot his mistress who was pregnant from him and killed his unborn child.”

June 11,2013 12:50

“On October 21, 1990, Surik Khachatryan, with the ones like he, deceptively kidnapped and then brutally tortured one of our devotees of the war for freedom, at that time the commander of ARF combat squad Lerment Sargsyan and me in a building of Goris city. After brutally torturing us, they kept us for about 30 hours in this private prison, and after the border residents standing up and in the result of the intervention of the Minister of the Internal Affairs Karlos Ghazaryan, they had to release us. We had submitted respective explanations and statements about this crime to the Internal Affairs Division of Goris city, but during the last more than 22 years Surik Khachatryan did not bear responsibility for such crimes», – says the former Mayor of Goris Samvel Harutyunyan to introducing the activities of 90’s of the former Governor of Syunik Marz Surik Khachatryan.

The reason of their torturing, the former Mayor of Goris conditions with S. Khachaturian’s intent to establish an atmosphere of dread in Goris city. “With all our ability we were trying to participate in the defense of homeland, and risking our lives to counterblow the Azerbaijani fighters who were attacking bordering settlements at that time. Apparently, they did not like it. Because, a few days later, the elections of Goris city and regional Board of Deputies were planned to take place, and both my friend and I were candidates for deputy. Their aim was to put an end to the growth of our reputation. We had a serious squad of combat and, apparently, the existence of the squad and our reputation was disturbing them.”

Believing his words, in 1991, people of Goris were shocked by another action of Surik Khachatryan. “Surik Khachatryan, for the purpose of killing, has shot at the resident of Orhnidzor village, the singer of the folk instruments orchestra of the Department of Culture in Goris, as people of Goris say, Surik Khachatryan’s mistress A. M. The reason was that A. M., according to Goris widespread rumors, has informed Surik Khachatryan that she is pregnant and expecting a baby. Surik Khachatryan fired, and A. M. dying was transported to Sissian, she was operated on there and miraculously her life was saved, but they failed to save the life of a child inside. Surik Khachatryan again did not bear responsibility for this crime, so far.”

According to Mr. Harutyunyan, in 1999 a few days before the Parliamentary elections on May, the same A. M together with her husband comes to him as a candidate for deputy, and to one of the generals of current MD and tries to show her tattered belly, and they urged her to apply to law enforcement officials. “We are trying to apply to law enforcement with a statement of relevant evidences. Apparently, A. M. is still afraid to turn to law enforcement.”

According to Mr. Harutyunyan, in 1995 Surik Khachatryan using gunshot seriously wounded young man Anushavan Arushanyan. “Immediately after it the injured citizen was moved to the hospital, the representatives of Surik Khachatryan’s gang entered the hospital and release shots in the X-ray room, and he is not subject to criminal responsibility for the crime.” To our question why he shot at the young man, Mr. Harutyunyan could not tell the reason,- “I do not know why he fired. Spilling blood is a hobby for him. ” tried to talk also to Surik Khachatryan, but he was unavailable throughout the day.


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