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Lyudmila Sargsyan. “I think a task is assigned to blame Ishkhan Zakaryan for all sins.”

July 01,2013 11:00

During the debates on 2012 report of Control Chamber at the Parliament, the ANC faction member Gagik Jhangiryan a little decrypting in his speech the details of the meeting between the CC President Ishkhan Zakaryan and ANC faction deputies, has noticed that during the meeting Zakaryan had told that he does not trust the Prosecutor’s Office, therefore, he does not send the findings of CC revelations to this law enforcement structure. Ishkhan Zakaryan, of course, the next day announced in the media that he has not said such thing. In this context, the deliberation at the presidential on Saturday becomes interesting, at which talking about the CC’s 2012 report and the noise around it, the president showed his confidence at largely towards the prosecutor and the Prosecutor’s office. The main share of the reproach of Serzh Sargsyan was directed to CC President Ishkhan Zakaryan. On this occasion, in the conversation with, ANC MP Lyudmila Sargsyan said that if other factions address such a question to Ishkhan Zakaryan, he would give the same answer. Considering the report presented by Zakaryan, Ms. Sargsyan does not believe that the president of Control Chamber “keeps his opinion secret”. During the deliberations invited at Serzh Sargsyan’s office, the ANC deputy has noticed clear tasks in the statement of the President on how this problem should be resolved. “It is obvious that the CC, de jure, being an independent body, de facto, had never been independent, and the manifestation of independence that was applied by Ishkhan Zakaryan was immediately reacted by the authorities. They made him understand that you, being a member of the clan, in fact, give political assessment, the right of which you do not have at any sense.” The Deputy is not of

the opinion that Ishkhan Zakaryan is a “clean man”. He just found out that the abuses were to the extent that even he had not had a chance to keep silent, especially when he has the obligation to submit the results of the work to the Parliament. “I think a task is assigned that all sins are laid to Ishkhan Zakaryan and to clean the Prime Minister in every possible way. The President wants to save the image of the already compromised Prime Minister. That’s what I think is political.” Madam Sargsyan is confident that the President will succeed in this issue, because the materials presented are extremely vivid and lead to the Prime Minister. It was also interesting for the Deputies that the Prosecution’s office has not made any conclusions about the materials submitted, but Serzh Sargsyan already make conclusions about the fact that abuses of such size, plunderage of 70 percent of state budget did not take place. “Where did the Presidents take this conclusion from, if the prosecution has not gone deep into the materials? Voicing such a conclusion means to direct the Prosecutor’s office. Especially when the President voiced numbers that the matter is about AMD 200-300 million. After all these, I do not expect that there will be revelations. There will be scapegoats who had independently done abuses without the knowledge and participation of the authorities, for which they will be punished. And the wolves who implemented the main robbery will remain unpunished. Especially Tigran Sargsyan’s part of the fault, in any way, they will try to remove. But it will not be convincing, because all these once again proved that there is no independent body in the country and everything is directed from one point.”


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