“It is clear to everyone that the Prime Minister had a connection with the offshore company and without his consent any financial transaction was not possible to do. Both he and Khoyan should definitely have been aware of it.”,- so commented the board member of the “Republican” party, lawyer Artak Zeynalyan in a conversation with Aravot.am regarding the statement of the Prosecutor General of Cyprus. In a conversation with the “Liberty” r/s, the Prosecutor of Cyprus denied the explanations made by Tigran Sargsyan, saying that in their country one can not be a shareholder of an offshore company without the knowledge of the person, or authorization of any authorized representative. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister was claiming at the Parliament that he has nothing to do with the company and that they did it without his knowledge. According to Artak Zeynalyan, “a statement containing the elements of crime has been spread in the media and the public has such a perception that the highest circles of the power, the highest authorities are sucked into the corruption to the end.
It should be assumed that there is such a thing behind all of the decrees of the government. The whole Government activities are directed towards it. Well, let’s say, it is what it is. They have stolen around a few hundred thousand votes, and they appropriated the government,
now they may do what they want.” We inquired, taking into account the distrust of the society with regard to the Prosecutor’s office and the entire justice system, whatever the Prosecutor’s office discloses with the case of the offshore scandal, how credible is it going to be? Artak Zeynalyan answered,- All that was said by the Prosecutor’s Office will be unfounded because of their formulation and lexicon. They are not convincing. The society reacts to it by leaving the country. Look at how many buses a day are leaving Armenia, breadwinner is leaving, the ferment is leaving.” To our question, whether Serzh Sargsyan will allow to touch the Prime Minister or Navasard Kchoyan, Artak Zeynalyan answered,- “They are in the same boat. They will not harm each other ex officio. Bishops should remove if you remove. Of course, it is the internal affair of the church, but people should not be blamed for having Kchoyan as to why they have less faith in the Armenian Apostolic Church and begin to believe other churches.”
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Hripsimeh JEBEJYAN