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The impeachment requested by Zurabyan is either denied or brought up for discussion

July 09,2013 13:04

ANC leader Levon Zurabyan in recent press conference announced that Serzh Sargsyan’s impeachment should be claimed at the Parliament. According to him, Serzh Sargsyan diminished the role of a Constitutional Institute like the Control Chamber. “The actions of Serzh Sargsyan create a base for subjecting him to impeachment. This was one more crime in a long line of crimes committed against the Constitution.” Levon Zurabyan did not also rule out that some Republicans would join the claim of the initiative of Serge Sargsyan’s impeachment. He assured that they have not initiated it for their PR, they want to make it really a serious process. Associated with this initiative, today, tried to find out from “Heritage” faction Ruben Hakobyan whether they would join, or not. Mr. Hakobyan said that he is not aware of this initiative. Alexander Arzumanyan was not also aware of the claim of Serzh Sargsyan’s impeachment. In a conversation with us, he told,- “If they apply, I’m ready to explore and discuss, but they have not applied to us, and I am not aware of such an initiative.” Although it was clear that the Rule of Law would hardly claim for Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation with the opposition, afterwards we inquired from the leader of RL faction Heghine Bisharyan whether she does not see a base for claiming Serzh Sargsyan’s impeachment and join the initiative. She answered,- “We reject the initiatives that have non-political and non-legal grounds.”

Hripsimeh JEBEJYAN

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