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“Had taken money for the weapon, but furnished his office.”

July 25,2013 10:42

Former Presidential Advisor slowly reveals the dark pages during the years of the war

Friends and colleagues of the independent human rights defender Arbak Khachatryan, former adviser to Levon Ter-Petrosian, now inhabiting in Moscow have recently made ​​several remarks about the role of Khachatrian in the Karabakh war. In the conversation with “Aravot”, Khachatryan, personally, neither denied nor confirmed the statements that he was able to bring in “Boeing” aircraft to Armenia, to divert the Azerbaijan-centered look of Russia towards Armenia and so on. Yesterday, to the question of “Aravot” as to why, however, only 15 years later, he decided to make revelations about the realities of the war years, A. Khachatryan replied,- “After 15 years of silence, I still do not want to talk about many things, and the reason is not that I’m afraid. There have been such facts in my life that there can be no reason to fear,” – then he stated that regarding this opportunity he had mentioned in our last conversation that revelation of the truth will help Armenia to get out of created situation. “I have reasons, to be more precise, I am sure that there are people who are sitting on the pyramid, and it is neither Robert Kocharyan nor Serge Sargsyan, who right from the beginning, so to speak, managed all these; they are well aware of what has happened, but to avoid giving thanks and hiding the reality, they started to liquidate these people. I think that the whole truth about the past should be revealed as of today, it may lay true ground for our state and statehood. And those who will try to oppose the truth, they will not differ from Talaat and Enver. There is no prudence in my steps, be sure and soon you will get the feedback of those steps.

If there are things, which can be avoided, one can not escape from the truth, there are hundreds of witnesses. False libels were spread about me… A high-rank and responsible official had taken money for weapons, but was furnishing his office … where should this man escape from the truth. The reality will pursue those people and officials who laid this foundation for Armenia, commenced this genocide. Why do we blame others? The sin is in us. We have laid the foundation that today the owners of stores and bazaars are our ideals. It is a shame that today the freedom-fighters have a bread problem in their country. Moreover, in order to solve the bread problem he goes out for rallies, sits on hunger strike.”

Years ago, analyzing the global banking system, Khachatryan was calling the leaders of the system ‘jackals’ (http.//, when, for example, the banking system was more liberal even in the RF, low interest rates, loans without collateral, transactions without bureaucratic red-tape, if a person works legally. The interview was fairly widespread, it was shown in 186 countries, it was not published in Armenia. We asked Khachatryan whether he is familiar with the banking system of Armenia, and how he will describe it. “Only the jackal can seize the apartments of people living in for 30-40 years, golden jewelries  and other wealth with the help of local bank moles using the money from outside without giving anything for it and demanding enormous interests,”- said our interlocutor. “The banking system, which is introduced in Armenia, is designed to vacate Armenia. No state vacates its country, except for Armenia. Yerevan is vacated from Armenians, and look who are coming to our city to buy apartments. Not to speak about rural residences; they are completely vacant. The remaining 80 percent of people has loans. The authorities of Armenia need to understand that the system must be stopped. If not, a revolution needs to be carried out. Blame will fall on me, if not, it does not matter, I call for conducting a revolution because the country becomes vacant, and it needs to be stopped as of today.” Arbak Khachatryan is the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of  RF “Anti-Corruption” NGO, he also closely collaborates with the “Anti-Corruption” NGO in Armenia. We also asked them as to how the struggle will proceed in the frames of “Anti-Corruption” program. People want to understand in what way the various officials will bring back the money stolen from Armenia, whether generally there are options of bringing them back, Khachatryan said that Garnik Margaryan, the head of the “Anti-Corruption” organization, who collaborates with leaders of similar organizations, will soon talk about that in more detail. “I am aware that there are projects elaborated for this purpose, the first step should be applying to the embassies. Doesn’t the U.S., which, let’s say, provides 500 million aid to Armenia, realize that several times over in the millions, even billions of money go to their banks, the owners of which are the officials of various local classes, corrupters and grafters.” The “Anti-Corruption” will apply to the embassies demanding to check the sources of their wealth, and return the money stolen from the country. The names of these officials and their family members, and illegally acquired funds and accounts will be published. The Armenia nation needs to know that it could force foreign countries to return those funds. The Armenian communities in different countries should actively organize protest demonstrations, demanding given country to return the money stolen from Armenia.

Sooner or later we will achieve our goal, because the economy of the whole world collapses, and the banking moles, in whatever country they are, will not be able to keep the system. These officials will also understand that they would better answer for their deeds, than ​​their children take the stigma of their sins on them after many years. The head of Legal Department of RA President’s staff has given such an ignorant response in response to the inquiry of “Anti-Corruption”, which is stunning, it was hard to expect more ignorant response. People who carry out orders, must understand that they are also going to answer,”-said our interlocutor.

The “Anti-Corruption” will apply to the embassies to block the access of those people and their family members to their countries. The arguments will be presented by separate cases as to what the reasons are, and with what international norm the demand is justified. “Everyone needs to understand that they are going to answer for their steps, without doing it, the performer can not go against its supervisor.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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