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Republican council member Martin Vardazaryan believes that there will be changes with regard to the decision on price increase

July 25,2013 11:06 asked Yerevan City Council member of the Republican Party, composer Martin Vardazaryan whether during today’s session held at the City Hall with Mayor Taron Margaryan and the members of Republican Party, PAP and “Hello Yerevan” factions of Yerevan Council, the option recommended by the mayor to define privileges for some social groups to mitigate the effects of the increase in fare, resolves the issue.

“First, you need to understand and then decided pro, cons or how to vote. Today Taron Margaryan will say more about it in details, I may leave something open,”-said the composer.

In response to our observation that before making such a decision, didn’t the officials know that there are so many socially disadvantaged groups in our country that the appropriateness of the decision on increase of fare is discussed now, Martin Vardazaryann said,- “I will not answer the question exactly the way you want. Again, the issue of opportunities and the desired relationship is raised. If we did not notice even very small changes towards the improvement in different sector, we will never be able to be satisfied with what we intend to achieve. I hold the viewpoint that we need to be more sober and definitely not to adopt all kinds of negative phenomena.”

Martin Vardazaryan believes that there will be changes with regard to the decision on increase in price. According to his words, “But first we need to understand what was the cause of this offer that is accepted not by everyone and is difficult to accept.” The composer calls not to go for “unthinking steps”, which is already felt.” To our question as to whom the call is directed to, Mr. Vardazaryann said,- “To all of us. We should not induce to unthinking steps to one another.” To the question whether you consider the public protest against the rise an absurd step, the composer said,- “Anti-disposition is not able to analyze and opposing becomes already an end in itself. And that is dangerous.”

We also inquired from Martin Vardazaryan that as a citizen of Armenia what he is thinking regarding the increase in transport fare. He answered,- “As a citizen I must say that each price change is hard, especially for socially vulnerable layers of the population, it is so in all countries. I do not want to make comparisons with other countries in transport fare, but we have what we have, unfortunately, we do not have more opportunities than this as of today, but if wishes dominate the potentials, we need to be more alert with the resources”.

Lusine Budaghyan

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  1. amb says:

    Before the city government passes a decision that effects the lives of so many citizens they have to put the decision to public debate; they have to allow for a period of time for the citizens to openly comment and raise objections if there are any. This is part of the transparency in government that is so much talked about and sought after in Armenia.

    After careful consideration of public comments, the city government officials can then either change their resolution or not, but they have to listen to the public first and consider the citizens comments and objections carefully.

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