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Surik Khachatryan has sued Samvel Harutyunyan, and has claimed for 1.5 million drams

August 24,2013 09:28

Samvel Harutyunyan, Mayor of Goris from 1992-94, co-chairman of self-defense Committee of the region, in the interview with, made a statement that the former Governor of Syunik Surik Khachatryan has sued him.

He has appealed to the Court of General Jurisdiction of Ajapnyak and Davtashen Administrative Districts of the city of Yerevan.

As we have informed Samvel Harutyunyan had made many revelations regarding Surik Khachatryan.

As per his interpretation, “The anti-hero of our times Liska has specified 2 facts, and has presented a claim that the court considers me a defamer, compels me to deny, that I deny my statements, and at the same time has claimed to confiscate in favor of him 1,5 million drams from me, a citizen who appeared in the status of unemployed for the last 19 years.”

Samvel Harutyunyan regarding the lawsuit of Surik Khachatryan said,-“This application is completely a boring blah. It pursues an empty goal to divert my attention from nation beneficial fight, polarizing the public’s attention to its invented sordid relations. Neither notorious Liska, nor after 20-year of silence, it is not important for him for what the former mistress and the victim hurried for help, nor anyone can divert me to free captured Goris, Syunik and Armenia from Liska, from the path adopted in 1988 on creating free, independent homeland.”

Surik Khachatryan has stated in the application that Samvel Harutyunyan insulted his honor and dignity. As per interpretation of Samvel Harutyunyan, “It is obvious that Surik Khachatryan still has not perceived and can not perceive the true meaning of those words, virtues, of which he had never had. Axiomatic truth does not need to be proved, and the truth is that Surik Khachatryan, the anti-hero of our times, theft, malicious act of hooliganism, married and convicted for kidnapping and raping a Turkish woman to marry when he already has two daughters and mainly spending his punishment in the prison for the period of 1972-87, for the last 23 years, getting the green light and receiving high state positions by RA top authorities, has committed many serious crimes, including shooting at his mistress Arevik Mirzoyan, seriously injuring her, killing the child expected from him, shooting at citizen Anushavan Arushanyan, and seriously injuring him. Mass media published hundreds of articles, statements, speeches, outrageous facts proving his crimes were brought up, none of which has been thoroughly refuted in court or otherwise. Only in the last 80 days, in my interviews, statements and more than 20 speeches over TV and other mass media I have publicized outrageous fact and evidences about the crimes committed by Liska and his gang, I have repeatedly demanded for the RA law enforcement officials to put an end to the criminal idleness with regard to 23 years of unusual criminal process of the latter, to immediately initiate a criminal file, detain and arrest him.

However, so far no criminal charges are filed.” Samvel Harutyunyan is sure that Surik Khachatryan is using his state and other leverages to conceal his crimes. “Undoubtedly, it is a screaming cynicism that after all Khachatryan has reserved the right to single out just two out of about 50 publicized facts, trying to rely on the reality that the criminal cases filed regarding the facts of shooting at Arevik Mirzoyan in 1992, and at Anushavan Arushanyan in 1996 were for the first case dissipated by the Military Prosecutor’s Office, and for the second case dissipated by the prosecution service of Goris, afterwards unfairly suspended, and then dismissed. He was not subjected to criminal prosecution for those serious crimes.”

As per Mr. Harutyunyan, it is irritating that the Court admitted proceedings of Surik Khachatryan’s application in a haste. “The system in Armenia anchored on the combination of words and other defective phenomena, like bloody, executioner, rape committer, plunderer, burglar, falsifier, wrecker, invader of power and homeland, guilty in migration is called liskayutyun from top to bottom.”

He called to through “liskayutyun’ to the dumpsite, and said that the court has the opportunity to demonstrate impartial attitude “to totally reject illegal claims of Liska by the fair decision and to make its important contribution in the sacred fight maturing in Armenia.”

Hripsime JEBEJYAN  

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