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Guarantee of independence

September 21,2013 13:18

Intimidations of the RF President Putin to Ukraine and Moldova, which he had voiced on Thursday at “Valday” Debate Club, once again convinced that the EU-CU is a political issue, though it is presented as economic. The Russian leader speaks, for example, about Moldovan wine, claiming that this wine does not have market is France or Italy (which is true), and consequently, Moldovan entering into the EU Free Trade Agreement, and receiving a high-quality and cheap wine from these countries will have to add the export of their own wine to Russia or to “slide” the third country wine under its own name. Suppose, it is true. Whether this unfavorable scenario will lead to disaster to the economy of such superpower like Russia. And whether it is not a solution to produce own wine, which would be better and cheaper than Italian, French and Moldovan, and thus to oust the competitors through purely market methods. To what is possible to achieve with such setbacks, only to price increase of the product?

The potential of the endless country with vast natural and human resources is such that it can create its own strong and competitive economy without constraints and without entering into conflict with European neighbors. As to why it does not create, it is already a political problem, the system is as such. And these conditions lead to a situation that is described in Vladimir Voynovich’s “Moscow -2042» anti-utopia, the country is surrounded by the first, second and third zones of hostility.

You would say that today is September 21, what are those considerations have to do with the independence of Armenia? I think, the most direct. When you do not have a developed economy, political system, modern technology etc., but you have tremendous size, the military power and the price of natural resources of the export becomes your main argument in the relations with the rest of countries. As for Armenia and Moldova, these arguments are quite sufficient, if our economic and political systems are mainly in compliance with the Russian “example.” Of course, with regard to the system, Ukraine is also the same, but the country’s size and geographic location complicate the problem of Russia.

Therefore, the guarantee of being independent from Russia is different, significantly a level higher with regard to development of political and economic system, which assumes cohesion of society, legitimacy of authorities and mutual trust. In this regard, all of us have a lot to do. I mean people who realize that they live in the state and are not going to leave Armenia in any case for anywhere.


Aram Abrahamyan

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